
Welcome to BrumEnergy

BrumEnergy is a team of dedicated local organisations that is committed to delivering independent, high-quality home energy advice to Birmingham residents, FREE of charge. 

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Is your home warm? Do you need some advice or support? Ecobirmingham were at Stirchley Baths at a Cost-of-Living event on March 14th, providing free home energy advice. If you have concerns such as the house is always cold, there is mould and damp in the property, the cost of bills are high, or you are in fuel debt, then get in touch with us.

Our project is supporting residents across the city to making their homes warmer and comfortable. Our trained advisors will listen to your concerns and give you advice on what measures you can put into place. We were able to provide advice to local residents of Stirchley and surrounding areas, with some of their main concerns and these important conversations have empowered them to make the necessary changes.

If you are a community group interested in us dropping in on your coffee mornings, get in touch or if you are need of one-to-one advice, we can deliver the advice over the telephone or a video call at a time suitable to you. We are also able to offer home visits. If your are in South West Birmingham please Contact [email protected]. or elsewhere in Birmingham please contact [email protected]