
Welcome to BrumEnergy

BrumEnergy is a team of dedicated local organisations that is committed to delivering independent, high-quality home energy advice to Birmingham residents, FREE of charge. 

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BrumEnergy News

  • Local home energy support coming soon as Birmingham voluntary organisations secure over £0.8m of Government funding

    BVSC and a consortium of local Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector organisations have secured over £0.8m funding following a successful bid to the Government’s Local Energy Advice Demonstrator (LEAD) Programme. The programme will deliver independent, high quality home energy advice to Birmingham residents. Read more

  • Cost of Living Week & Living Wage Week 2023 – Updating the VCFSE Sector

    A programme of free events took place across the City during Cost of Living Week (6-10 November) and Living Wage Week (6-12 November). The week aimed to celebrate and promote the work done so far, work together to tackle challenges and encourage involvement and support around the Cost of Living and the Real Living Wage. BVSC took part in several events across the Week as well as holding our own VCFSE (Voluntary, Community, Faith & Social Enterprise) Sector event on 8 November. Read more

  • BrumEnergy helps with Cost of Living at Stirchley Baths Roadshow

    Is your home warm? Do you need some advice or support? Ecobirmingham were at Stirchley Baths at a Cost-of-Living event on March 14th, providing free home energy advice. If you have concerns such as the house is always cold, there is mould and damp in the property, the cost of bills are high, or you are in fuel debt, then get in touch with us. Read more

BrumEnergy Events

  • Energy Advice Cafe

    We're here to help answer your home energy questions. 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Read more

  • Birmingham Green Doors: Live Q&A with Philippa, on Zoom. Thursday 29th August 7:30-8:30pm

    This online event will be a real ‘spade-in-the-ground’ learning opportunity for anyone interested in making homes more energy efficient. Philippa is having significant energy saving measures fitted to her 1960s house, and she and her partner Woody are part way through the refurbishment. Read more

  • Energy Saving Advice and Tips

    Making simple changes to the way you can use energy can make a big difference to your bills and to lower your mental health and wellbeing. You could also lower your carbon emissions, helping tackle climate change. Come and speak to our energy advisors and find out how much we can support you to make your home more comfortable, energy efficient and reduce the impact on the planet. Read more

BrumEnergy Resources

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