M.E.L Research M·E·L Research is one of the UK’s leading social research, evaluation and behavioural insights consultancies. Founded 35 years ago, we stand for measurement, evaluation, learning – three essential principles underpinning evidence-based public service excellence. Our vision is to make a positive difference to organisations, employees, customers and wider society. Our mission is to empower our people to make a positive difference, using their passion and skills in listening to and understanding people, to provide actionable insight which helps our customers deliver better public services. We are a values-driven organisation, with a social, ethical and environmental conscience. We are a Market Research Society (MRS) Company Partner and an MRS Fair Data partner and are certified for ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 20252:2019. We conduct research and evaluation in a range of sectors which span the public services including Health and Wellbeing, Local Government, Housing and Development, Environment, Waste and Resources, Customer Experience and Employee Experience. We work across a range of statutory and third sector settings. We have recently worked for BVSC on an evaluation of four Ageing Better in Birmingham projects within the Tyburn Local Action Plan. For further detail about M·E·L Research please visit our website: https://melresearch.co.uk/. Details of selected previous projects can be found here: https://melresearch.co.uk/work and news items updating on topical issues and new projects here: https://melresearch.co.uk/news. Follow us on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/m-e-l-research and Twitter @MELResearch. For further details please contact M·E·L Research on 0121 604 4664 or [email protected]. Manage Cookie Preferences