Adult Social Care currently funds 40 voluntary organisations to support the Prevention First agenda with “Prevention and Communities (P&C) Grants”. Details of these can be seen in the prospectus here. It includes five Information, Advice and Guidance grants for financial advice and guidance about new or exacerbating conditions

BVSC supports this programme by providing support to the grant holders, sharing good practice and will be providing additional support to existing grant holders and other voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations during the recommissioning process.

Cabinet approval for the initial P&C Grants Programme was given in May 2019 – in the cabinet report: Putting Prevention First: Investing in Communities. The P&C Grants Programme was recommissioned in October 2019 for a period of 2 years and extended during the pandemic for a further 2 years.

The Prevention First agenda is explained on this page.

The commissioning team in Adult Social Care recommissioned the Prevention and Communities Grants Programme over the summer of 2023. Details about this are here

The Prevention and Communities Impact Reports can be seen on this page, and show the incredible difference these project make to citizens in Birmingham.