We are thrilled to announce an exciting collaboration between BVSC and Amazon, bringing a revolutionary initiative to Birmingham and the West Midlands - the BVSC Multi-Bank. We're reaching out to you because we believe you may be able to support us in making this project a reality.

But, what exactly is a Multi-Bank?

Multi-Banks represent vital community donation hubs where companies generously contribute surplus products to assist individuals and families facing challenging circumstances. Through a network of charity groups and dedicated care professionals, including teachers, midwives, and social workers, these donations find their way to those in need. The Multi-Bank is not open to the public but rather accessible to frontline professionals tirelessly addressing the needs of those experiencing poverty and its interconnected issues.

At the BVSC Multi-Bank, all items are provided free of charge at the point of collection. Our partners can request specific items needed by those that they support ensuring that assistance reaches those who need it most, efficiently and effectively.

Now, here's where we need your help

To launch this transformative project in Birmingham and the West Midlands, we require a warehouse facility (Min 6,000 sq ft/Max 12,000 sq ft) from which to operate. We're seeking either a space available at a peppercorn rent or a donated warehouse. If you believe you may be able to assist us in securing a suitable warehouse space, we urge you to reach out. Your support could make a profound difference in the lives of countless individuals and families in our community.

Brian Carr, BVSC Chief Exectuve said: "The Multibank is an award-winning concept focused on matching the resources of companies with the needs of local families via the support and expertise of local charities. It has great potential to help those in need during these particularly challenging times, and we're looking forward to working with local partners to get this up and running in Birmingham and across the West Midlands."

Thank you for considering this request and for your potential contribution to this impactful endeavor. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those facing adversity in Birmingham and the West Midlands.

Please don't hesitate to contact Brian Carr if you have any questions or would like to discuss further. Email: [email protected]