Birmingham support for refugees fleeing Ukraine Leaders from The Polish Expats Association (PEA), together with a partnership of community leaders (CEE) have issued a statement on the situation in Ukraine and their next steps, which include fundraising, supporting refugees in Eastern European and Ukrainian communities in the West Midlands. Read their statement on Twitter. The CEE Leaders Forum is a coalition of community organisations and groups: Polish Expats Association Centrala Czech & Slovak Club Birmingham o Lietuviai AKnoteikumi The CEE Community Leaders Forum does not have a political agenda and respects all our members from each nation, however we feel we should make clear our condemnation of the actions of the Russian Government and will not engage in or condone political discussion of this situation on our platform. Solidarity with Ukraine! Donations of goods and money If you would like to donate money for refugees, CEE Communities Leaders have set up a Fundraising page - Support and advice Drop-in advice is always available at the Refugee and Migrant Centre with locations in Birmingham, Wolverhampton or Walsall. The addresses and contact details can be found on their website: Manage Cookie Preferences