• Social Prescribing Day, an annual celebration, takes place on 9 March 2023
  • Social Prescribing is connecting people to activities, groups and support that improve health and wellbeing
  • BVSC, working in partnership with the National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP) and their Midlands Learning Together Programme, supports and works with Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector organisations involved in social prescribing
  • To celebrate Social Prescribing Day 2023, we’re launching a webpage packed with information and resources on Social Prescribing and Voluntary Sector Pathways, including Directories used to support this

What is Social Prescribing?

Social Prescribing is connecting people to activities, groups and support that improve health and wellbeing.

For example, people may visit their GP because they may be feeling stressed about their work, money, or because they are lonely and isolated. But these problems cannot be fixed by medicine, or doctors, alone.

Social prescribing links people to a range of activities and services, based on their situation and preferences. This could include, for example, volunteering, arts activities, gardening, befriending, advice on debt or finances, and a range of sports.

What is Social Prescribing Day?

Social Prescribing Day is an annual celebration of social prescribing, recognising link workers, local Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector groups and regional and national organisations which support people’s health and wellbeing.

This year it takes place on 9 March 2023.

VCFSE organisations across Birmingham City involved in Social Prescribing, such as The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS), are celebrating Social Prescribing Day.

For more information on Social Prescribing Day visit:


Social Prescribing Information & Resources

BVSC, working in partnership with the National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP) and their Midlands Learning Together Programme, supports and works with Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector organisations involved in social prescribing.

To celebrate Social Prescribing Day, we’re launching a webpage packed with information and resources on Social Prescribing and Voluntary Sector Pathways, including Directories used to support this.

Visit the webpage

For More Information: