Latest Covid 19 Restrictions: what you need to know From 15 September Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull became 'areas of intervention’. This means that, in order to control the spread of the virus, residents cannot meet with people from outside their households. There is a specific focus on these areas due to the rising number of cases and the Government is working with local leaders to address these. To support you in your communications to your networks, below are the key messages and suggested activity. The press release and guidance from the Department of Health and Social Care should also be helpful. On Tuesday 15 September BVSC hosted a Civil Society Webinar with invited guest Dr Justin Varney, Director of Public Health Birmingham. Dr Varney explained the new restrictions as well as addressing the questions and concerns of representatives of the sector. The video is available to view on our Facebook page. It was however a live stream, so you'll need to skip forward 8 minutes for the start of the session. Key messages for Birmingham, Solihull and Sandwell If you live in Birmingham, Solihull or Sandwell, effective tomorrow (Tuesday 15 September), you should not: host people you do not live with, in your home or garden, unless they’re in your support bubble meet people you do not live with, in their home or garden, whether inside or outside of the affected areas, unless they’re in your support bubble From Monday 14 September residents will also need to comply with the new ‘rule of six’ national restrictions where it is against the law to meet people you do not live with in a group larger than six (apart from specific exemptions listed in the national guidance).Residents should follow government advice around ‘hands, face, space’ and getting tested, including: Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitiser Wear a face covering in appropriate scenarios (if you’re not exempt) Be aware of others not in your household and manage your space as much as possible. Always stay 2 metres away from people you don’t live with – or 1 metre with extra precautions (such as wearing a face covering) If you, or someone in your household, have Covid-19 symptoms, it is very important that you stay home and book a test by calling 119 or visiting Students Your university has worked hard to make your campus safe and many have come up with interesting ways to make your study and social activities like freshers week safe and enjoyable. Speak to your university or go to their website to find out what they’re doing Suggested activity Share Birmingham City Council’s latest tweet and other updates via their Twitter account and website, using #KeepBrumSafe where possible. Share key messages via Whatsapp groups, Facebook groups, newsletters, leaflets and other local publications.Amplify the press release and guidance from the Department for Health and Social Care. Manage Cookie Preferences