The multi-bank launch took place at Marlborough House on 16 November and was introduced by Baroness Scotland, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth of Nations. She was joined by The Rt Hon Gordon Brown, Amazon, Comic Relief, The Brick and Accrol to make an urgent plea to big business, philanthropists and local UK charities to support the expansion of the “multibank” initiative, which gets essentials to families in need.

At the event, Mr Brown invited socially conscious businesses to join a ‘coalition of compassion’ and donate surplus essential goods and money to accelerate the national rollout of the multibank platform.

The Multibanks that are springing up across the UK - those already in Scotland and Greater Manchester, to be followed by Wales and the Midlands - are not food banks alone but provide recycled goods and clothes, recycled bedding, donated hygiene essentials and donated baby necessities together. And with low-income families about to enter probably the most difficult winter for decades, the Multibank project is asking the leaders of the most prominent British retailers, suppliers, and manufacturers to consider stepping up their donation of surplus goods so that they  can also contribute to an anti-pollution initiative that transfers unused products to families in desperate need. More than an anti-poverty initiative: it's an anti-pollution solution, preventing landfill, repurposing goods, and helping to create a circular economy.

BVSC's Head of Children, Families and Young People and Families, Taylor McDonald, attending the event said: "It was fantastic to hear about the accomplishments and future goals of the multi-bank initiative. Gordon Brown passionately shared insights on its significance, and it was an excellent opportunity for businesses to pledge support. It was great to establish new connections and I had fruitful conversations with other multi-bank leads - definitely planning future visits. Exciting times ahead for the multi-bank and exciting times ahead for Birmingham."

Read more:

Former Prime Minister appeals to groups to join a ‘coalition of compassion’ together with Amazon and Comic Relief to support the nationwide expansion of the Multibank initiative.