• On 23 May Birmingham Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector organisations heard from Birmingham City Council, Save Birmingham and Birmingham Community Matters on Section 114 impacts on community assets
  • Over 100 people attended the online event held by BVSC
  • Recording and presentation from the meeting are now available on the BVSC website
  • Learn more about Assets of Community Value and Community Asset Transfer at an event organised by Save Birmingham and Birmingham Community Matters for smaller VCFSE organisations on 18 June
  • Take part in Section 114 Research led by BVSC Research in partnership with Birmingham City Council and the University of Wolverhampton and funded by Fusion 21

On 23 May, Birmingham Voluntary, Community, Faith & Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector organisations attended a BVSC hosted briefing on Birmingham City Council Section 114 and Community Assets.

Further to Section 114, Council assets, including buildings, property and land may now be disposed, sold or transferred, including to the VCFSE sector.

The event looked at opportunities for VCFSE to take over the management/ lease/ purchase Council owned buildings, land, property and assets.

Details on further support available for VCFSE organisations with regards to community assets was provided.

Speakers at the event included: David Harris, Assistant Director and Nick Rhodes, Corporate Landlord, Birmingham City Council; Kathy Hopkin, Campaign Co-ordinator, Save Birmingham; Jo Burrill, Chief Executive, Birmingham Community Matters.

Chaired by Brian Carr, Chief Executive of BVSC (Birmingham Voluntary Service Council), the event also included the BVSC and VCFSE Sector response and potential impact of Section 144 on the VCFSE with regards to community assets.

Over 100 people attended and were given the opportunity to ask the speakers questions and  participate in a VCFSE discussion group facilitated by the BVSC Research Team.

The recording and presentation from the meeting are now available on the BVSC website on our Section 114 pages.

Next Steps

The questions raised and discussion from the event have been collated by our BVSC Research Team and will be given to the City Council for response to the VCFSE sector. These will be published as appropriate on the BVSC website and the BVSC Section 114 pages.

Further S114 themed events will take place over the next year.

An Assets of Community Value and Community Asset Transfer event organised by Save Birmingham and Birmingham Community Matters will provide further information to smaller VCFSE organisations on 18 June. Sign up here.  To find out more about the 18 June event please contact Save Birmingham or Birmingham Community Matters.

Take Part in S114 Research

BVSC Research has also received funding from Fusion 21 to undertake research in partnership with Birmingham City Council and the Institute for Community Research & Development at the University of Wolverhampton on Section 114 budgetary implications.

To take part in the research or find out more about this please click here or contact Sophie Wilson, Director of Research, BVSC at [email protected]

Further Information

23 May Event: Contact Elizabeth Goodchild, Strategic Partnership Manager, BVSC at [email protected]

18 June Event: Contact Save Birmingham or Birmingham Community Matters.

Section 114 Research:


Contact Sophie Wilson, Director of Research, BVSC at [email protected]

Birmingham City Council FAQs: https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/50306/commissioners_intervention_and_improvement/2757/frequently_asked_questions_faqs_about_section_114

BVSC FAQs: https://www.bvsc.org/birminghams-city-council-section-114-notice

Statement for VCFSE Sector by Birmingham City Council: https://www.bvsc.org/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=ecce04e1-1fa7-4a1a-b761-4883bd516602

Birmingham City Council announces £300 million of budget cuts over 2 years