Ageing Better Birmingham: Community Development Practice Hub development As part of Ageing Better in Birmingham’s legacy, BVSC is creating a citywide Community Development Practice Hub. Rooted in the programme’s ethos and values, it will build a strengths-based practice of community development that is defined and relevant for Birmingham—foregrounding a community development practice that focuses on ‘doing with’, not ‘doing to’. The hub aims to catalyse systemic changes to community development practice in Birmingham, creating more confident, connected and capable local community development practitioners, leading to better outcomes for communities.In 2021/2022, we will; Bring people together to develop a shared understanding and vision for community development practice in the city, exploring the creation of a Birmingham-specific Community Development Framework. Create a Digital Resource Hub. An open-access resource to share best practice from Birmingham and beyond, with free practical tools, including supervising practice guidance for frontline delivery. Offer a professional development package of training courses and a ‘Community of Practice’ for Birmingham-based workers. If you are in any way connected to the practice of community development in Birmingham, we would appreciate your input into the hub’s development by completing a short survey. (it will take around 10 minutes to complete.)You can find out more about Ageing Better in Birmingham here Closes May 9th Manage Cookie Preferences