Get Grants are excited to lead their first FREE Virtual Conference! Join the event for TWO days of expert fundraising advice, top tips, Q&As, networking, peer-support, and lots of chat!

Across 1st & 2nd October 2024, Get Grants are leading a FREE Virtual Conference full of celebration, inspiration, and practical advice and support – true Get Grants style.

Over 2 days, Get Grants FREE Virtual Conference will bring together Fundraisers from across the UK for a programme led by Get Grants Experts, funders, and other experts from across the sector.

Expect expert advice, top tips, Q&As, networking, peer-support, and lots of chat! As with everything we do, every session will have practical support and advice that you can take away and put into practice.

This FREE Virtual Conference is for Fundraisers of all levels of abilities to build their confidence and celebrate the amazing work they do with like-minded, friendly people!

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