Empowering Mobility: Options for Life Secures Funding for Electric Vehicle & Charger Initiative Options for Life is pleased to announce that it secured a grant from the Inclusive Communities Fund/Heart of England to purchase a 7-seater electric vehicle and a box charger. Options for Life proudly announces securing a grant totalling £31,515 for acquiring an electric vehicle and a box charger, marking a significant advancement in its commitment to community access and participant well-being. In response to the critical gap exacerbated by the pandemic, this initiative addresses the pressing need for safe and accessible transportation for individuals with reduced immunity. By providing essential access to diverse community activities and events, the project aligns with the core aims of bringing people together and improving participants' health and well-being. This strategic investment empowers participants by enhancing their ability to engage in vital social interactions and activities crucial to their personal development and overall well-being. Nicola Thomson, the CEO of Options for Life, says, “I am thrilled to receive the news that we have successfully secured a grant of £31,515 for our electric vehicle and charger initiative. I would like to thank the Inclusive Communities Fund and the Heart of England for the grant award. This significant funding not only marks a milestone for our organisation but also signifies a profound step towards enhancing accessibility, community inclusion, and overall well-being for our participants with learning disabilities and/or autism. This grant captures the importance in advancing the organisation's mission and the positive impact it will have on the lives of our participants.”The community vehicle initiative at Options for Life anticipates three key outcomes for our specific community group of adults with learning disabilities: Firstly, enhanced accessibility to a broader range of community activities, promoting personal development and well-being. Secondly, increased social inclusion and community participation, fostering improved social skills, confidence, and self-esteem. Thirdly, a positive impact on physical and mental health outcomes through heightened levels of physical exercise and mental stimulation. These outcomes collectively contribute to a more vibrant, inclusive community experience, empowering our participants with learning disabilities to lead fulfilling lives with greater autonomy and engagement in their local community both now and in the future. Options for Life:Options for Life is a Sandwell-based charity that supports adults with learning disabilities and/or autism by providing various services, including outreach provisions, community hub-based activities, and drop-in sessions, increasing self-confidence and developing communication and social skills, leading to independence. The outreach service helps participants to live independently in the community by combating social isolation and improving good emotional health and well-being. Our building-based services are for those where going out in the community can be overwhelming, whether due to physical, mobility, behavioural or sensory needs. Activities are focused on achieving positive outcomes for participants.Contact Information:For media inquiries, please contact:Maruf AhmedFundraising and Communications OfficerOptions for LifeTel: 0121 544 6611Email: [email protected] For general inquiries, please contact:ReceptionOptions for LifeTel: 0121 544 6611 Email: [email protected] Web: www.optionsforlife.info Manage Cookie Preferences