Community Development Practice HubCommunity Development Practice Hub The Community Development Practice Hub is a resource for people and organisations who ‘work with’ people in Birmingham so they can take collective action to make changes to things that are important to them and their communities. We aim to connect, inspire and upskill community development practitioners across Birmingham. Come join us on this exciting journey, as we collaborate with the sector to offer a tailored approach with a focus on Birmingham-specific learning, challenges, and achievements. Home Tools & Resources Definitions Stories External Resources About Welsh House Farm Local Trust was established in 2012 to deliver Big Local, a National Lottery Community Fund-funded programme which committed £1m each to 150 neighbourhoods across England. The £217m originally provided by The National Lottery Community Fund to support this programme is the largest single-purpose Lottery-funded endowment ever made, and the biggest ever investment by a non-state funder in place-based, resident-led change. In terms of scale, time horizon and ethos, nothing like Big Local has ever existed. Designed from the outset to be radically different from other funding programmes, at the heart of Big Local is a vision of empowered, resilient, dynamic, asset-rich communities making their own decisions on what is best for their area. Welsh House Farm was one of the 150 neighbourhoods identified under the Big local programme and it received a total of £1.15 million to be spent over ten years In the year 2015, the Local Trust paid a visit to Welsh House Farm, a community filled with enthusiastic residents eager to bring positive change to their neighbourhood. Long had they felt isolated and closed off from the outside world, but now, with Local Trust support, they saw an opportunity to create a brighter future where residents themselves set out local priorities and developed projects that tackled identified challenges within their community. Motivated by this newfound hope, the initial residents became the partnership board who began attending meetings and make decisions on how the funds given to the community were to be spent. They shared their ideas, dreams, and concerns, determined to make a difference. This engagement sparked the birth of community connectors or volunteers within Welsh House Farm. These passionate individuals emerged as the driving force behind the community's transformative work. Local Trust gave and continues to offer wrap around support to the Welsh House Farm Big Local over and above the funding package for a decade. The community group started compiling a list of local priorities. Welsh House Farm Big Local took this opportunity to consult their residents, asking them what truly mattered to them. Together, they developed a set of key priorities that would lay the foundation for their endeavours. Over the span of two years, the Welsh House Farm Big Local took shape. Amonst many connections that have been made, a link was formed with Wellington Court, an elderly sheltered accommodation run by Age UK. Welsh House Farm Big Local integrated the elderly residents into their events, ensuring they felt valued and part of the community. This collaboration acted as a bridge between generations, fostering a sense of belonging for all. Additionally, Welsh House Farm Big Local established networks with other Big Locals in Birmingham, specifically Firs and Bromford and Birchfield. Through this joint program, people from different geographies were brought together, emphasising the power of unity and cooperation. As a result, a rich tapestry of support and collaboration was woven across the communities. One remarkable aspect that stood out at Welsh House Farm was their deep-rooted willingness to assist one another. The residents displayed unwavering solidarity and a shared desire for change. Whether it was lending a helping hand, offering guidance, or simply being there to listen, the spirit of community flourished. Welsh House Farm Big Local also played a vital role in signposting and connecting individuals to other services, such as healthcare. They recognized that true progress extended beyond their immediate activities and encompassed the well-being of each resident. By offering support and guidance, they ensured that no one was left behind. In conclusion, the journey of Welsh House Farm Big Local since their encounter with the National Lottery Community Fund has been nothing short of inspiring. With enthusiasm, determination, and a genuine desire to transform their community, they have surpassed expectations. From revitalising long-standing connections to fostering new ones, their story serves as a testament to the strength of unity and the limitless potential of a community driven by change. Contact details Email: [email protected] Website: Manage Cookie Preferences