• Birmingham City Community Groups and Schools were among those who won and were highly commended at the West Midlands Natural Environment Awards on Tuesday
  • Kings Rise Academy Knowledge and Education in Nature (KRAKEN), Kingstanding won in the Education category whilst Handsworth Association of Schools Green Mentor programme were “Highly Commended” in the Community category
  • BVSC judge at the awards congratulates all who won and took part!

Congratulations to all winners, those who were highly commended and all those who took part in the West Midlands Natural Environment Awards!

As Chair of the BVSC Environment & Energy Network, I was delighted to be invited to be a judge for the awards and join Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands, WMCA Chair, sponsors KPMG and 100 nominees and fellow judges at the awards ceremony on Tuesday 21 March.

The event was hosted by Grenfell guerrilla gardener Tayshan Hayden-Smith who set out an inspiring vision for engaging people with the natural environment.

It was fantastic to see such a high level of entries from organisations across the West Midlands, and great that Birmingham City Community Groups and Schools passionate about the Natural Environment were among those who won and were highly commended.

Kings Rise Academy Knowledge and Education in Nature (KRAKEN), Kingstanding won in the Education category whilst Handsworth Association of Schools Green Mentor programme were highly commended in the Community category.

For further information on the winners please visit:


Find out more about the awards at:


For more on the BVSC Environment and Energy Network please visit:


Elizabeth Goodchild, Strategic Partnership Manager, BVSC

[email protected]