• Interfaith Week takes place 12 – 19 November 2023 with 15 local events during the week and beyond
  • The Launch Event takes place 10 November at the Council House
  • Faith based organisations form the largest part of Birmingham’s Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector providing vital activities and services
  • It’s been a year since BVSC and partners signed the refreshed Birmingham Faith Covenant and we are working to develop our faith offer

It’s Interfaith Week next week!

According to the 2021 Census, 69.8% of Birmingham residents have a religious affiliation.

Faith organisations are a vital part of Birmingham’s Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector, collectively forming the largest part of the sector.

Over 1/3 (34.5% - 888 of 2,571) of registered charities across Birmingham City carry out faith activities (Charity Commission Register of Charities, 16/02/22) and many more faith-based organisations working in partnership to make a positive difference to people and places across the city.

Birmingham Council of Faiths Footsteps Project have produced a Birmingham Faith Community Map showing over 700 Places of Worship across the City: https://footstepsbcf.org.uk/project4f/faith-community-map/

Faith groups share many values with partner organisations (both local authorities and wider VCFSE sector organisations) including: compassion, social justice (including an end to discrimination and poverty), friendship, an ethos of service, kindness, empathy and hope. (p.3, APPG on Faith & Society, 07/09/2022)

Many Voluntary and Community organisations across the city, both with faith and non-faith values, have historically been set up by faith-based organisations.

Faith based organisations provide wide ranging activities and services to the wider community including: swapshops; counselling; yoga; meditation; mental health support; places of sanctuary; bereavement support; environmental projects.

Birmingham was the first City in 2014 to sign a Faith Covenant with its Local Authority – Birmingham City Council. After 8 years the Covenant was refreshed and signatories were given a new commitment to working together.

The revised Covenant, signed last year on 11 November 2022, was extended to include Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (BVSC), the Police, Crown Prosecution Service and Healthwatch Birmingham and Solihull.

BVSC is working to develop a faith offer as per the Faith Covenant. We will keep you updated as this is developed. If you have any thoughts or questions on this please contact [email protected]

Birmingham Council of Faiths is co-ordinating 15 varied and exciting events during Interfaith Week and beyond. Whether you have a faith background or not, all are welcome to participate.

Interfaith Week Programme:

Birmingham Launch Event – 10 November:

Interfaith Week Events:

For more information visit:




Update and Events


BVSC Signing the Birmingham Faith Covenant (11.11.22)