I would like to introduce Walkie Dogs. Walkie Dogs is a community based organisation which aims to better its members and the community, with the aid of our canine friends. We are launching summer 2024 with 74 walks across 74 cities, which will meet up every Sunday. The walks will all be based in local parks and other outdoor locations.

Birmingham has been selected to be one of the first cities we launching in this summer. 

We are working closely with mental health charities across the UK to ensure all our members have the support for their mental health if needed. We aim to better the community people live in making it a safe, welcoming and friendly experience.

Walkie Dogs is volunteer led and we are reaching across to many different volunteer organisations across the UK for any help they can offer in helping us increase our Walkie Dogs family, and help recruit the walk leaders these communities need. We are hoping 30% of our volunteers to be between the ages of 16-21, with the goal to help reduce knife and gang crime across the UK