Community Researcher Training Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Community Connexions and BVSC Research are working in partnership to train a number of members of the community to become Community Researchers and take part in two research projects.The two research projects are – 1. Children and families services, parental support and links into education and information. Where are we now, and where do we want to be? 2. How does it feel to grow old in the region? What are people’s experiences? What ideas do they have to make the area a better place to grow old? We feel that community researchers can shed light on opportunities and challenges that academic researchers often can’t and make a real impact in their communities. We would like to utilise the knowledge, skills and experience that already exists within the region whilst opening opportunities for the trainees to undertake paid pieces of work, develop their skills, and give them the chance to do something they’re passionate about!If you would like to get involved with this opportunity, please contact Jan Pusiak [email protected] or Keshena Partridge-Bowie [email protected] for further details. Click to Download Community Researcher Training Flyer Manage Cookie Preferences