Tailored support to help you develop skills to get that job, training or education.

We have teamed up with various organisations to deliver a range of comprehensive training programmes designed to up-skill young people. Learning is structured to accommodate different starting points, ranging from introductory to advanced levels. Training material is provided alongside all courses and certificates are issued on completion. The courses currently on offer are ESOL, basic numeracy skills, digital Literacy, business administration, health & social care, food safety and first aid. Other courses can be arranged according to demand.

We work closely with Job Centre Plus to help jobseekers develop practical skills, tools, and knowledge to ensure applications get noticed and secure an interview.
Our Employment & Skills Officers’ will also share relevant, local job vacancies and can then work with you to develop your CV and complete the application. From there, we can also provide one-to-one support with interview preparation and confidence building to help you get the job. We can also advise and support with in-work welfare benefit rights.

We are working on an ESF funded programme which focusses on 15 to 29 year old's and currently unemployed or inactive, we provide support to develop your skills and qualifications to help you progress to employment or further learning.
We offer access to training, qualifications, and work experience/placements, as well as voluntary opportunities to bring young people closer to the labour market; we aim to help you present yourself as a perfect candidate for potential employers. Having networked with local employers, we have access to job opportunities; we can also provide support to develop your business plan if you are considering self-employment.

Please contact us on 0121 455 8144 or email; [email protected] for further information.